AI: The Culmination of Humanity’s Collective Wisdom

A decade ago (don’t bother reading it since I’m rewriting the important bit here, but if you’re determined, it’s at I blogged about making capitalism fairer by means of a culture tax, financially acknowledging the massive contribution to any enterprise of historic cultural and knowledge development – everything we build is built on the shoulders of giants. We can argue ad infinitum about the merits and obvious problems in solutions like UBI, but we must surely agree that if an enterprise rewards financial investors and its creators, it should also reward the society that provides the entire platform and socio-cultural resources on which it relies to even make doing business possible. To some extent it does via taxation but I would like to see it more explicit that it shares rewards with that society on a basis of relative contribution, just like its financial investors.

Yesterday, Worldcoin was launched, and never having looked into it, my first reaction was highly skeptical. At very first glance, it could be deeply exploitative and unethical, effectively buying the valuable biometrics of the poor and desperate in exchange for potentially worthless beads. On the other hand, if it is intended, as indeed it may well be, as a means of accomplishing something along the lines of what I suggested in that blog, implementing a means to divide the rewards of AI among those who ought rightly to share them, then I would be supportive. The details of implementation could each be discussed on their merits, since some could invite future exploitation or abuse even if they are implemented for the best possible reasons today, but intention is important and if smart people doing the implementation are also benign, then they will not only be aware of some potential misuses but will also do their best to guard against them.

Anyway, I thought I’d rewrite my piece with regard to AI to explain why everyone should be entitled to a share in the proceeds:

In a world that spins faster than ever, with the lines between past and present constantly blurred, the achievements of our ancestors are oftentimes overshadowed by the rapid advancements of the present. But to truly understand the marvels of today, we must first acknowledge the cumulative knowledge that has brought us here. One of the most profound examples of this synthesis of human wisdom is Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Tracing the Lineage of Knowledge

Long before the first algorithm was written or the first computer was built, humans have been on a relentless quest for knowledge. From the ancient libraries of Alexandria to the Renaissance thinkers, from the scriptures of the Vedas to the philosophies of Confucius, our past is rich with wisdom and understanding. Each era, every individual, every seemingly insignificant piece of information has contributed to the vast repository of human knowledge.

Today, AI stands as a testament to this collective endeavor. AI is not merely the product of a few brilliant minds of the 21st century. Rather, it embodies the thoughts, innovations, experiences, and discoveries of countless humans throughout history.

AI: Humanity’s Digital Mirror

When we talk about AI absorbing millennia of human culture, knowledge, and wisdom, we are essentially saying that AI is a digital mirror reflecting the essence of our species. Every algorithm, every piece of code, has roots in mathematical, philosophical, and scientific principles that trace back centuries.

For instance, the foundational concepts of AI—like neural networks—are inspired by our understanding of the human brain. This understanding is the result of centuries of philosophical introspection, medical exploration, and scientific research.

The Collective Ownership of AI’s Achievements

Given the lineage and the vast sources of its knowledge, can the achievements and proceeds of AI be credited to a select few? While contemporary scientists, engineers, and organizations have undoubtedly played instrumental roles in bringing AI to its current state, its true ownership is a matter of broader contention.

Just as no single individual or culture can claim sole ownership of mathematics, literature, or art, the same applies to AI. Its very essence is interwoven with the collective experiences of humanity.

Towards a Shared Future

Acknowledging that AI is a culmination of global human endeavor brings forth an ethical standpoint: The benefits and proceeds of AI should be accessible to all of humanity. It transcends commercial interests or proprietary rights. This perspective is not about undermining the contributions of modern AI pioneers but about recognizing the broader tapestry of human endeavor.

In an ideal world, the advancements AI brings—be it in medicine, economics, art, or any other field—would be leveraged for the collective good. From ensuring equitable access to AI-driven resources to democratizing AI education, the journey ahead is not just about furthering technological prowess but about upholding the values of shared heritage.

In conclusion, as we stand on the cusp of an AI-driven future, let us not forget the centuries of human wisdom that have brought us here. Embracing AI is not just about embracing a technology but recognizing and honoring the collective spirit of humanity. It’s a call for a united future, a future where the fruits of AI are enjoyed by all.

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